Apostles Of Jesus Christ, Priest and Victim

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"Diocesan priests coming together to become priests after Christ's own Heart deepens the Church's call to holiness in head and members. This new Society is a grace, and I joyfully bless its members."



His Eminence Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I. Archbishop Of Chicago.

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Articles, homilies, et. al. are available on our new blog.


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About the Apostolate

The Apostles of Jesus Christ, Priest and Victim, is a new society of diocesan priests, founded in the Archdiocese of Chicago with the permission of Francis Cardinal George, whose charism is to sanctify its members through conformity to Christ crucified in a mission of shared charity.



A Life in Common for Priests

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Striving to live a common life in shared charity for the good of our priestly apostolate....


Spiritual Mission

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Our fundamental mission:
To save the greatest number of souls and to renew parish life...


Patron Saints and Models

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Consecrating ourselves to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in union with St. Joseph and through the Holy Spirit....


On becoming a Member

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Each member striving for a deeper contemplative union with Christ.
